Planning with Moon Phases

Author: Rebecca Robinson   Date Posted:28 June 2022 

How amazing does it feel around New Years, when we let go of the previous year and make plans for the new one? Wouldn’t it be great if we could feel this way more often? Well hello moon rituals!

Setting aside a little time each new and full moon to check in with ourselves is a fabulous way to stay on track and keep those New Year vibes going.
The new moon is a time for intentions, for working out what we want and how we might get there. The full moon on the other hand is a time for forgiveness, for letting go of disappointments and what no longer serves us.
“While the new moon is a time to sow seeds, the full moon is a time to pull weeds.”
Helen Avery - Wanderlust Media

It can also be really helpful to keep track of the waxing and waning phases of the moon too. The waxing moon is a time for action, for moving forward and getting things done, whereas the waning phase is a time to slow down and go easy on ourselves.

Have you tried a moon ritual before? You can use your planner to record your intentions, manifest forgiveness, take action and rest in relation to the moon cycle.
New Moon: Intentions
Full Moon: Forgiveness
Waxing Moon: Action
Waning Moon: Rest

While it is not practical to stick to these phases rigidly in our crazily busy world, an awareness of this cycle helps us to take care of ourselves and flow through life with more grace and ease.  


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